The Study Break Idea that helped me
I don’t know about you guys but I’ve always had a bit of trouble studying almost all my life no matter what the subject was at the time. I’d either stay studying for a long amount of time and feel super burnt out after that I forget almost everything the day after or I’d try to study and lose focus every minute or so. Well I’ve got a certain “Study Break Idea” for you guys to help you stay on track with studying so listen up.
Now I’ll credit this idea to my loving girlfriend who is in school herself trying to get her Bachelors so she’s always studying nonstop. She told me about this idea on one of those nights she was studying and wanted me to involve myself with it a bit, I called it the “3 break rule”. The idea is to study for 25–30 minutes straight (whichever you decide on) with a timer on; when the timer goes off give yourself a 5-minute break (and time it as well). Study for another 20–25 minutes after your break finishes (time it as well) and then give yourself another a 10-minute break. Once again after your break is done go back to studying but this time for 10 minutes and then take a 25-minute break after (I know kinda weird but it’ll help). After your last break, continue studying for another 20 minutes and that should be your last study time for the rule. You can do this as many times you want each day you have to study and trust me it helps. The big part that really helps with this idea is the fact your using a timer & what you do on your breaks.
The main parts of this rule is your timer & what you do on your break and I’ll explain. You having a timer each time you start studying is a good way to have yourself focused on your work knowing that you have a break coming up each time. It’s almost like you give yourself responsibility to stay focused studying, while also having the anticipation that you’ll be getting a break soon (Just make sure you’re actually studying and stay off your phone). The other part is deciding what to do on your break and thats the best part of this idea. If you’ve been watching a tv show you like then watch it on your break each time, If your a gamer (like myself) have a little gaming sesh on your breaks (I recommend a solo game only though, no Multiplayer until your last break). Basically anything you’ve been enjoying on your time off away from school work, do it on your break so you’ll have something to look forward to.
I say this is probably the best idea i’ve came across for studying ever because your doing what you enjoy on your breaks and when your off break, you feel responsible for studying even after your breaks. The big take away I can say personally for myself is that it kind of helps with my muscle memory in a way and I say that because lets just say your studying on an important part of your subject right, your break comes up and you hit a crazy part in a video game or movie you were just on. You’ll always remember that one part right, so lets say you have a test coming up and your trying to remember that one part you was studying on, all you have to do is think of that one part of a movie and think back to what you were studying that day. That’s how I see it at least with this idea so hopefully it helps you guys out as well.