Learning React Native

Christopher Read
3 min readDec 19, 2021


So as of recent I’ve been thinking about expanding my final project after adding the new look and actually having it work on a mobile device. As you all know my final project is a product of Javascript/React so of course the easy route would be to use React Native. I’ve never really used react native but i’ve seen close friends and my passed cohort mates use it and it seems really cool and easy to get into so I took the initiative to learn the most I can this passed week.

For those of who you aren’t familiar with React Native or what exactly is it; React Native is a JavaScript framework used to build cross-platform rendering apps that can be used on our mobile devices and web-based devices like MacOS and Windows. It’s pretty straight forward when it comes to the coding because it provides a standard set of API’s which enable us to only have to write our code once and it’ll work on multiple platforms you choose to use.

Speaking on those standard sets of API’s React Native provides of course you can check them out on their dev site and see an example of how to add them into your current apps and other cool features like animations or changing the look of the keyboard on the app through IOS can be customized with React Native. All these examples they provide make it easier to write out your code and make the UI for your app work alot smoother and give you a better understanding on what to add and how to go about it.

The main way I started understanding and learning React native personally besides looking through the dev site was actually looking up example projects on Youtube. I don’t know about you guys but i’m such a big visual learner and it’s great to find amazing developers on Youtube that make different projects and actually give you a walkthrough on how different features work and how to line up components properly, some developers even answer back to comments if you need a better understanding on something they explained in a video. I’d follow along with the video and try to recreate the app or example app they made in my own way I would like to go about it and it actually helped.

Next week I’ll start with actually turning my final project into a mobile iOS app and finally add in the forum feature of letting people give tips and tricks to each fighter of their liking 😁 I’ll write about it for sure as well so you guys won’t miss out.



Christopher Read

Software Engineer/ Twitch Streamer / Die-Hard Yankee Fan