Getting rid of Code Challenge Jitters
If you’re in a coding bootcamp at the moment or some type of coding course then you know the stress that comes with preparing for a code challenge & its STRESSFUL. No matter how much you study or think you know, theres just always that nervous feeling you get that you won’t do so well or that you’ll freeze up and forget everything you learned while doing the challenge. If this is you thats completely fine because your not alone bud, i’ve been through 4 code challenges already for the coding bootcamp i’m in currently and I felt the same way for each one everytime but you know what ? I’ll tell you what helped me out for the last 2 that didn’t make me freeze up or have such a nervous feeling starting out.
So like we already went over, we know how super stressful it is having to deal with a code challenge but all you need to do is….. take a breather. I know that sounds simple and that might not work just hearing that but trust me thats all it is. If you think about it, you already know when your code challenge is coming right ? You know you’ll be studying everyday as long as you can before the challenge right ? But have you thought about taking any breaks at all ??? The answer is most likely no right and thats normal but you need to think about how important it is to give your brain a breather. My tip is on the last day before your code challenge is to just relax, study a lil for half a day if you wake up early and the other half just relax. Do whatever it is that is relaxing to you whether it’s watching a movie, going outside with family or a loved one, playing video games, just anything that will take your mind off coding for that time being.
You’ve done almost everything you can to study as much as you can so all you really need is a couple of hours or maybe even a whole day to just relax before your code challenge. The day of your code challenge you can then wake up early, have a nice breakfast, and just take in a little of what you’ve studied throughout the week or however much time you had to study and think of every key component you know will be on that challenge. Review with some classmates real quick too if you have to, just to make sure you don’t miss out some key pointers and by the time your challenge comes up you wouldn’t feel so tense nor freeze up as you start coding. Everything will just flow to you smoothly as your coding and doing what you need to do.